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Monday, October 17, 2016 - REALTORS endorse plan to create charitable foundation to benefit Fraser Valley communities

Fraser Valley REALTORS® voted in support of a plan that will transfer a valuable asset owned by their professional association, the Fraser Valley Real Estate Board (FVREB), into a new charitable foundation dedicated to helping those in need in the Fraser Valley. The asset is 3.5 acres of prime, vacant land situated behind FVREB?s existing office in Guildford, Surrey. In 1969, the land was purchased privately by five visionary past presidents of the Board who sold it to the Board a few years ... Full Article...
posted in General at Mon, 17 Oct 2016 21:22:43 +0000

Friday, October 14, 2016 - Peace Arch Hospital Foundation Realtor Challenge

Just signed up for the Peace Arch Hospital Foundation Realtor Challenge to help raise money for the Peace Arch Hospital ER redevelopment and expansion. For the next 12 months I will donate a portion of my Real Estate Commissions for every real estate deal I am involved in.
posted in General at Fri, 14 Oct 2016 18:32:06 +0000

Wednesday, October 5, 2016 - Fraser Valley inventory reaches highest level in 2016 as sales settle for fall season

September housing sales in the Fraser Valley continued to slow throughout September, dropping below the ten-year sales average for the month for the first time this year. The Fraser Valley Real Estate Board processed 1,305 sales of all property types on its Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) in September, a decrease of 24.4 per cent compared to the 1,727 sales in September of last year, and a 23 per cent decrease compared to the 1,694 sales in August 2016. As per the Fraser Valley Real Estate ... Full Article...
posted in General at Wed, 05 Oct 2016 23:11:43 +0000

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